Monday, January 21, 2013

Perhaps a bit of the future is figured out

Recently I have been reading messages from some college friends.  It is amazing how different our lives have become, despite having shared a year where our lives were so similar.  We are all located in various parts of the world, are facing different struggles, joys, and decisions.  The overwhelming theme it seems in all our lives is that of making decisions.  It is true that the decisions are different, but most are life altering.  I suppose we are simply at the point in our lives where everything is not figured out and change is frequent.  It seems that I have just figured out what to do with my life when I am yet again making a change.  Currently I think I have finally decided on what to do this coming year.  There were a few things that I have been considering and unfortunately I want to do it all!  I have a family wedding at the start of July, and thus would like to return to the U.S. to attend this and see all of my siblings and extended family (when there are 4 siblings in 4 countries this is a rare occurrence).  So my proposed future is that I return to the States at the end of June (after the school year is over) and stay for a while.  The wedding will be in California and I would like pop up to Portland for a visit as well.    It would also be nice to make a stop in Ashtabula after.  All this travel is dependent upon finances.  After a small respite in the States (doing a little lesson planning I hope), then I would like to return to Chad to continue to assist the Kariuki family.  I think that I could truly be able to help this coming year.  They will be quite involved in a building project and will also be moving, thus the extra assistance is even more important for school.  I am really enjoying my time with the family and want to help…again this all depends on finances.  I really am not certain what God’s plan for my life is, but I am taking it bit by bit.  I truly appreciate all your prayers and help financially as I continue to help others.

Who wouldn't want to help this gang!