Friday, January 25, 2013

Goodbye Kenya

Hello friends!

It is now time to say our goodbyes to the wonderful country of Kenya.  We have wrapped up this week with shopping (for things we can’t get in Chad as well as a few souvenirs) and running other errands.  We did get to spend the last day (today) in Nairobi National Park (bringing back some fond memories).  I had traveled through this park with my family 16 years ago (give or take).  We got to see a whole variety of animals including zebra, wildebeest, hippo, giraffe, lion, ostrich, warthog, water buffalo, baboon, crocodile, and a variety of gazelle type animals.  It was a wonderful day full of beautiful sights, dust, and sun.  The variety of animals we have seen while visiting Kenya is quite amazing.

Tonight we depart of Chad…with a brief stop in Ethiopia.  Fortunately we will be arriving in N’Djamena around noon but it also means that we will be flying throughout the night.  Hopefully we will be able to find transportation, when we arrive, to our guesthouse.  We are travelling with quite a bit more luggage then when we came.  We have stocked up on foods and other household goods that we can’t get in Chad.

The trip over-all was truly a blessing.  Thanks for those that made it possible for me to travel.  It was wonderful to meet the Kariuki family and so many other friends.  I also enjoyed seeing the tourist attractions and visiting the beach.  It is really amazing how diverse God has made this world and how differently everybody lives.  It is also amazing how similar some things are.  We certainly enjoyed having a grocery store near by.  I even got to see how additions and braids are done as I helped in braiding the girls hair at the salon.  They are quite fancy for our return to Chad.  This trip will never be forgotten!

As taken by the kids

picnic area thief

so tall and so close

lazy guy sleeping next to the road

they will steal your lunch

sorry family, no lionesses this time


mix and match

get that baby out of the road!

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