Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall break was good ...

Well, our wonderful break has come to a close and I can honestly say that last Saturday felt just like a fall day back home.  The wind was blowing and the leaves were rustling.  We were also enjoying the cooler temperatures that the winds blew in.  I felt as though I should be preparing to eat some fresh orchard apples and sit drinking cider after spending the afternoon raking a big pile of leaves.  Unfortunately no orchard apples but we were able to create some delicious pumpkin whoopie pies.  I must admit I am looking forward to seeing fall next year and that familiar change of the seasons.

As for our week it seemed to fly by!  We practiced some crocheting, made delicious food, squeezed lemons, canned a variety of things, organized/cleaned closets and the kitchen and played a few games.  Unfortunately part of the week was spent catering to a sick child, since Joshua's typhoid made a return.  One of our great kitchen successes was funnel cakes.  We also made some sweet potato chips.  I also have been spending my week reading the Harry Potter series again.  It was a good week, but it seemed like we had our days packed full.

Today we have started our school schedule which went pretty well.  We are looking forward to the possibility of visitors so we are trying to work ahead in the assignments.  I need to design a few projects for the kids to mix the schedule up a bit.  For now the children are busy creating a "beaver damn" and I will help them create a solar oven project.  I am certain that our time until Thanksgiving break will simply fly by….but hopefully I can also be very productive in my work!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall ...

Happy fall to one and all!  It is true that my fall is not the type of fall that brings breathtaking colors to the once green hills, but the leaves are starting to wither and die.  This coming week brings fall break for us in the Kariuki household.  The beauty of homeschool is we design our schedule and when to take breaks.  We shall see what sorts of projects actually get accomplished during this week of extra free time.  It seems like we worked so hard last week that there cannot possibly be more things to do, but projects have a tendency to walk though our gate (like bushels of guavas for example).  We will also have to keep the kids entertained so we shall see what sorts of shenanigans we can get ourselves into!  I am pretty sure a surprise attack on the kids with water balloons is in store.

Aside from the normal everyday activities I have been thinking recently about some of the similarities between the U.S. and Chad.  One similarity that keeps coming up is that many people I have met have college degrees and yet are taking jobs which they are over qualified for because there is a limit of employment possibilities.  It is not something I would have assumed to be true, but there it is folks… graduates working random jobs because we have to do something.

I have also been wondering quite a bit about what comes next in life for me.  It will be interesting to see how volunteering here in Chad for the last two years will affect my employment choices in the U.S. (well we shall see if I actually have any choices).  I am currently planning to try my luck in Portland again, but we shall see.  I am truly hoping that I won't simply settle into the way things were and be unaffected by my experience but instead I will be able to build upon it and share my new insights with others.  If anyone has any insights to share with me I would love to hear them (or suggestions for employment opportunities especially in the Portland area I would love to hear about those also!)

I do hope someone will hop into a pile of leaves for me and embrace the chilly winds this time of year brings.  Supposedly December here gets quite chilly (I am looking forward to what that actually means here!)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

YWAM Base Visit and More ...

Well folks these past two weeks have brought about a little less rain, a little less rash, and a birthday party.  We also got the opportunity to visit the YWAM base that is currently under construction.
Clean water from a bore hole

Dining hall being built
The first student rooms are completed and ready for the electrician to come and install lights and outlets.  A dining hall is swiftly being built.  It is fun to see things being built and observing how people here in Chad build step by step.  It is also amazing to see how hard all these people work.  Much of the YWAM staff has been going nonstop running schools, working with builders to get supplies, and figuring out finances.  They are truly a faithful group.  A few thefts will not stop the progress! 

Next weekend I will have a more updated blog, but today my plans were thwarted by the lack of electricity and my poor planning of not charging my computer.  Also I just want to say that I got 3 letters in the mail this week and they made me smile.  I love getting updates on people's lives!  It is great to be connected despite the distance.

Proof I'm still alive and standing!