Name - Bottlenose Jelly
Size - 1 foot
Color - translucent
Food source - small shrimp/algae
Defense - electric/poison tentacles
- sharp and powerful nose
Special ability - can move quickly in all directions
- invisible
Home - tropical coral reefs
Predators - reef sharks

Katelyn's creation
Name - Monster fishSize - 10 inches grown-up
- 3 inches as a kid
Color - blue
Food - jelly fish (tiny ones)
Defense - stingy things on the side
Special abilities - cut stuff with the stingy things
Home - Pacific ocean, close to the ground
Predators - whales eat it

Marianna's creation
Name - Stinger Viper Snake
Size - 1 in. as a baby
- 1000 miles as and adult
Color - lots of different colors
Food source - lots of sharks in one day
Defense - It stings, scratches, hits, pecks
Special ability - it is a combination of lots of different animals
Home - in the sea (to eat), out of the sea, outer space
Predators - Polar bears eat it

Josh's creation
Name - Spiperm fish
Size - unknown (it is always changing size) <maximum 2 miles, minimum 2 mm>
Color - always changing
Food source - eats anything within 5 feet
Defense - teeth, stinging tentacles, poison and electric spikes
Special ability - changes color for camouflage and emotions
- extra speedy
- extra eyes
- second mouth underneath
- blow hole
- changing size
Home - Loch Ness lakes
Predators - Stinger Viper Snake

Zack's creation
Name - Viper Snake
Size - 20 feet
Color - blackish grayish
Food source - Spiperm fish, clown fish
Defense - hides in the dark places - nocturnal
Special ability - turns and twists easily
Home - in dark caves
Predators - Giant squid
I love it! I think Katelyn's Monster Fish might eat your Bottlenose Jelly. Yikes! I love all of the creative descriptions about the new creatures. I can tell ya that I never want to come across a few of them, unless they are nice to people. I think I will steer clear of the Spiperm Fish as it eats everything within 5 feet or I will just bring a Viper Snake along with me!