Saturday, August 31, 2013

Off to make dreams come true (not just mine)

Well folks, time here in the U.S. has simply flown by!  I was hoping that while here in Ohio the days would slow down a bit and I would have the feeling of too much down time.  I can assure you, that was not the case.  Let me fill you in on what August has looked like for me.  My first week home in Ohio I assisted with Vacation Bible School at my church.  This is a time where we can share about God with some kids from the neighborhood.  It is always a lot of fun but also a lot of work as there are stories, crafts, songs/dances, snacks, and outdoor activities to plan.  It certainly kept my family busy.  After that week I began my preparations for returning (primarily shopping).  I had rather large lists of requests and gifts I wanted to return with.  I also was able to spend some quality time with my grandparents and got to help them around the house a bit.  Visiting with high school friends also consumed much of my time, but I simply love getting to catch up on people’s lives.  Though we are apart for months or even years, lots changes and often I have not idea how it affects other’s lives.  Thus running around town collecting items to pack and visiting with people made the time fly!

This last week of Aug. I had the great privilege to go to Chicago and meet up with some amazing college friends.  I had not been back to Chicago since graduating 3 years ago.  I must admit, I did not miss that city but the people I met there are missed.  I loved getting to see these friends and listen to their most recent stories.  I know that I have mentioned in earlier blog posts that I am blessed to have such amazing friends, but really I have met some pretty cool people in my life!

Today I got to attend the wedding of a high school friend.  It was wonderful to see such a kind and generous person commit to spending their life entwined with another.  I wish the both a magnitude of happiness.

As Monday morning quickly approaches and my bags become carefully packed, I have come to a few conclusions.  This summer was a wonderful time of rejuvenation through time spent with friends and family.  All the encouragement I have received and support I know will continue when I am in Chad makes me feel confident in my decision to return.  I do miss having friends close by but I have been reminded that though lives might change, friendships will continue.  I also am so grateful that I was able to speak in two churches sharing about my experience and that a 3rd church has added me to the missionaries that they are supporting.  With all that prayer behind me I look forward to how God will use me.  Finally I am excited to go back and teach the wonderful Kariuki kids.  They truly are great students and I am so lucky that this is my first teaching position.

After an amazing summer of fun and connecting across the country, I am returning to Chad for another school year.  I will try to keep this blog updated to share about my continued experiences.  I will miss all my family and friends here in the US, but returning to Chad allows me to “make dreams come true” (a quote from Katelyn).

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