The winds are blowing a new time for us here in Chad. It is really amazing how the winds pick up (speeds that knock trees over) and with them come cool breezes and rain. It will be perfectly sunny and then suddenly the dark clouds start rolling in and just before the rain hits the temperature drops around 10 degrees Fahrenheit. It is sad to admit that when the temperatures are in the lower 80's we are all feeling a bit chilled. Also the winds can't help but remind me, thanks to my mother, of Something Wicked This Way Comes all except for the creepy carnival that gives people their deepest desires…..Anyway, there is nothing quite like a good rain on a tin roof.

It is hard to believe that June is here and that school is ending for lots of people, including us. This week's project was to choose a book we read and do something creative about it. Josh created a game, similar to chess, based on a book called
Justin Morgan Had a Horse. This book was about the first Morgan horse (now a more common breed). It was set during the time after the birth of the US. So when there were all those revolutions going on in Europe, and France and England constantly warring with each other and the US., Josh's game burst forth with the idea of attacking the other player's army and collecting all their horses and turning them into dog food (complete with a can to put your food in). Zachary on the other hand did his project on
And Then What Happened Paul Revere? A book about, you guessed it, Paul Revere. He built a model of Paul's fateful trip across the river where the horse, which would take him on his famous ride, would be waiting. The model is complete with cannons on the Summerset and cloth wrapped on Paul's oars so they wouldn't make a sound in the water. I on the other hand chose to do my project on
The Candymakers. I wrote letters and emails from the main characters to one another. Simple, yet fun to think about what might happen after the end of the story.
Our school year is nearly complete, and so it is time for me to start making lists and checking them twice to make sure I get done all I hoped to do prior to my departure in 3 weeks.
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