Thursday, November 22, 2012


Due to Thanksgiving arriving today, I thought it would be appropriate to share a list of 10 things that I am thankful for. I can't sit around the table and feast with you as we share what we are thankful for, but in this way you can imagine me sitting there passing the mashed potatoes.

Yes we will be enjoying our own feast here on Saturday. There are 4 chickens just waiting outside which will be a portion of our dinner. Thanksgiving in a place outside America is always interesting. It is not the easiest holiday to explain except simply that it is a celebration of all that God has done / provided in our lives. 
  1. For wonderful family (spread across many miles) who supports me in all my adventures
  2. For friends who also live many miles apart and yet have influenced my life in so many positive ways
  3. For all the varieties of people I have met in my life who teach me
  4. For letters and the encouragement they bring with them
  5. For books to entertain and provoke thinking
  6. For music to make work so much easier
  7. For the stars and moon that shine, no matter where I go and for the crazy pictures that someone made up long ago
  8. For internet, even if it is slow and unreliable
  9. For the ability to travel and experience new ways of life
  10. For God's love, forgiveness, and protection.
This is just a short entry, but I hope that it helps you think about all the wonderful things in your life. Oh, I guess I forgot to add the wonder of 2 trees and a hammock stung between!   Happy Thanksgiving!   Enjoy your family, feasting, friends, and fellowship.

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to hear your voice today! Our table was fuller having connected with you and your brothers. Little Sven kept us well entertained and we feel as blessed as you.
