"L'un pour tous et tous pour l'un!" – we watched the 3 Mouskateers in French.
And I did Marianna's ... |
They did mine ... |
And thus, another week has passed. Not much new and exciting has occurred this week. Schooling happened as usual. Laundry, cooking from scratch (as in squeezing liters of lemon juice and steel cutting oats), playing tag, killing insects, and sweeping sand all occurred as usual. I have started to get a little more creative in my braids on little girls’ heads, but still it is a normal activity. I suppose the excitement stems from the idea that next week is already Thanksgiving! We have been trying to figure out the plans for this wonderful day. We will be having a feast and sharing it with fellow Americans. Yet again I will spend the year away from my biological family, but I am with family here.
Let me think, a few firsts this past week for my time here in Chad…. I got to ride to church on the back of a motorbike, riding a motorcycle did not really concern me, but tying to figure out the etiquette is interesting. For instance, being a female I definitely should not hold on via the driver. This made getting on and off interesting, as I was accustomed to holding onto my dad’s shoulder when I got on the bike. Also, trying to figure out how to gracefully get on and off with a skirt is interesting as well. They just don’t teach you these things at the motorcycle safety coarse in Ohio. We did not go very fast, but you just never know when something (like a chicken or goat) might dart out in front or (in the instance of our street) you might have to dodge giant piles of dirt that the city decided to dump there. Here you really can’t take corners too quickly because often it is turning from a paved road to a sand/dirt road making the edge rather slippery. Sand plus pavement equals very little traction.
Another first for me here in Chad was the killing of chickens. We took a little break from school to go observe the killing of two chickens, just the preliminary step for Thanksgiving. Currently the chickens are nicely canned. Oh yes, we have canned sloppy Joe meat, canned chicken, canned pumpkin, canned chick peas, and guava jam of course. All produced by the kitchen of Jo.
I also got to go to the market for the first time last Saturday. It is really quite overwhelming. It is a large market with a few different sections. There is the meat market, vegetables, a few dairy areas, cloth/clothing sections, and of course lots of random shops with canned goods and big bins of dried goods.
Well another addition to daily life is that I have started drinking tea with milk and sugar instead of just black. The reason, well it tastes good! Also I have discovered it as the best vehicle for drinking powdered milk, my source of calcium. (well we also have homemade yogurt and homemade fromage blanc.)
Currently on the school front, we are on the countdown for Kenya. We have our goals of where we would like to be in the curriculum prior to vacation. It is really amazing how little time we have. Fortunately it seems that the crickets no longer have much time as they are few and far between.
I have received some letters, thanks friends and mom. Sorry Dad I have not received any of yours, though I anticipate seeing which pictures you have sent. I have mailed some in reply as well. So hopefully some of you will be getting some mail from Chad…yup they actually lick their stamps here.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Don’t eat too much turkey because it will make you feel sleepy, but please play a round of PIT for me. Also my dear gaming friends, playing Race for the Galaxy by myself just does not cut it. Why oh why did you spoil me soooo with strategic and competitive games, even when I was across the country.