My birthday may be over, but I am still blessed everyday by friends and family. Is this way the orchid lives on! |
Here is just a brief update about how logistical aspects for my trip to Chad are coming. I have tried to get most everything squared away prior to my U.S. travels and the return of my brother. I have been vaccinated and had all my shot records updated. I have opened up two new bank accounts in hopes that I can manage my money through an ATM and not be charged exorbitant fees. I have also place my mom on these accounts in case I need assistance stateside. I have purchased evacuation insurance, praying that I will never need it, and if I do, that the insurance company won't be able to find some loophole so they won't help. (This was my first time searching for and obtaining insurance, not something I would like to repeat on a regular basis.) My biggest concern is obtaining my visa. The problem is that there is only one Chadian consulate in the U.S. Their website is no longer functioning and I have been unable to get through on the telephone. I believe I have all of the correct paperwork to mail in, however some reassurance would be nice. I am also uncertain when I should send it in. I believe that the visa is good for 1 month after the issue date, so I don't want to be early. So please pray that my visa will be issued at the right time despite my inability to make contact with the embassy. Another concern for my trip is still the funding. I have already received so many donations, it is really overwhelming. I still do have to raise some additional money, and I am praying that perhaps during my stateside travels I will be able to talk to some people who would be interested in helping me serve. What ever the case may be I need to simply trust God on this matter and know that if this trip wasn't in his hands things would not have gone so smoothly thus far. I am grateful for everyone's prayers and assistance in this process.
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