Sunday, February 2, 2014

February already?

It is hard to believe that another month has passed and February has begun.  As I recall growing up February was always a rather slow month and I assume that all those stuck in this year's arctic freeze would agree.  I on the other hand am assuming that February will simply fly by.  It is with mixed emotions that I come to the realization that I have only 2 months until I return to the U.S. and February is a reminder that these coming months will be like a whirlwind.  It seems that I will be spending another summer living from a suitcase, nomad style.  If anything it is a great way to connect with people as well as put off the inevitability of the job search.

Other than the future many thoughts have been passing my mind…such as does one put lotion on dry cracked skin, even if it makes it more difficult for the body to sweat throughout the night?  What activities can I do with the kids and leave for them to do after I am gone?  How best does one help friends in need from so far away?  Is it really good to know how long it takes you to read a book?  17 hours to read Lord of the Rings?

Front of the totem pole
Tails, wings, feathers, oh my!
We recently have been studying a bit about Canada and with Canada the Inuit peoples.  We have done a bit of artwork inspired by this great people group.  We did paintings as well as constructed a totem pole.  We wrote stories about where certain towns in Canada might have gotten their names.  We are also trying to grow some beans and corn to compare the differences in monocots and dicots (not related to Canada).  School is going well, though I want to leave the kids well prepared, before I depart, to do some educational yet fun activities after I have departed.  Without school the days are just so long, the kids need something to do!

Papaya, papaya, everyday ...
With many mangoes on the way ...
I have been spending lots of time with baby JoAnna as there is nothing quite so encouraging as a baby smiling and giggling.  We are also enjoying a plethora of papayas and are looking forward to mango season.  We are also looking forward to some visitors arriving in a couple of weeks.  We are not too excited about the fact that the temperature is on a steady incline again yet our power is still getting cut.  This makes sleeping a bit more difficult and it will only get hotter.  On the other hand, we aren't having to deal with snow days!

1 comment:

  1. Elin! It is so fun to read about your adventures - even if it is adventures in keeping-kids-busy! Portland is super duper cold (don't tell the midwest people - super duper cold for us is +25) and dry, which is weird for February, but you know, Portland is weird. :)

    Miss you crazytons, can't wait to see you!

