Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rainy Season

May 18, 2013

New Life

It is official, rainy season is making its debut, well for this year anyway.  It is amazing how life gets its first quenching drink and instantly seedlings are bursting out of the ground.  We have had a few garden plants growing throughout dry season but they require watering at morning and at night.  The trees are opening new leaves, little trees are popping up, and small amounts of grass are growing, particularly in our flowerbeds.  Plant life is not the only variety emerging.  Bugs are coming out in full force, something that the toads and lizards are happy about.  A few mosquitos and a few crickets have entered our lives.  Not yet in the extreme bulk which we had previously experienced, but present never the less. 

Our fun discovery is that the new puppy greatly enjoys gobbling up crickets.  She is not really coordinated enough, nor does she have enough focus, but she will consume the crickets when caught and placed before her.  Who needs dog treats when we have a plethora of crickets hiding around our pool!  Chui is looking much healthier now with 2 meals a day and 50+ ticks removed (not exaggerating).  She is also sporting a new flee collar and has consumed her worm medicine.  She is very playful and has a blast chasing the children around the compound.  Secretly I have special snuggle time (I know I shouldn't have her in my lap due to parasites and pests so I do it when the children aren't looking so as not to set a bad example J).

We are still accidentally ripping workbook pages out due to sweaty arms, because though the temperatures have dropped the humidity has increased.  The good news is that school is drawing to a close.  In fact the boys and I make it through the curriculum so rapidly that I have had to come up with some new projects for them.  All fun of course!  Perhaps I will join them in their writing.  So many fun things we can do!  I hope each and every one of you who reads this is also finding fun things to do!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Well folks…big news around these parts!  We got a puppy this week.  Little Chui is now a part of our lives.  Yes, it is true her name sounds like chewey which is what puppies like to do, but it is actually Swahili for leopard, just like Simba is Swahili for lion.  She is quite small but has settled in nicely and the kids certainly wear her out between her naps. 
Sunset prior to a storm

We also got our first long rainstorm this week.  the humidity has arrived but at least the temperatures have dropped slightly to accompany the increase of moisture.